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Friday, June 11, 2010

Symptoms of Depression Series: Fatigue

Symptoms of Depression Series: Fatigue
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I am a published writer who suffers from depression and MS
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Monday, May 31, 2010
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There are many symptoms of depression and we have talked about a couple of them in depth including hopelessness and feeling numb. Today we are going to talk about the symptom of fatigue. I am sure many of us have felt that weariness which leaves us lifeless and depleted. We are going to talk about what fatigue feels like, possible causes and what we can do when fatigue interferes with our day to day functioning.

What does it feel like to suffer from depression fatigue?

The thing that some people might not get about depression is that it takes such a physical toll on our body. If you read the many definitions of the word “depressed” even the meanings which are unrelated to mood use adjectives like “flattened,” “pressed down” or “lowered to sink.” These can also accurately describe the feelings of fatigue one can get from depression. When I am depressed sometimes I feel that I am being pulled low to the ground. My posture slumps. My chest feels heavy and weighted. My movements are slow and purposeless. I don’t feel like doing anything. I don’t want to go anywhere. I just want to sit and do nothing or sleep. But sleep doesn’t re-energize. It is merely a way to escape conscious thought and emotion. One wakes up tired and sometimes more depressed in the morning. The fatigue of depression makes every action, every daily chore or responsibility feel as though it takes a tremendous amount of energy that you don’t have.

Whether you are at home or at work, you wonder, “Am I going to make it through this day?” This is what the depression related fatigue feels like for me. What does it feel like for you?

What causes the depression symptom of fatigue?

Here is the tricky thing about fatigue with depression-which came first? It is well known that feeling fatigued can also make you feel depressed. And if you are depressed you may feel fatigued as a result. It is like that chicken or the egg conundrum. There are biological explanations given for the fatigue associated with depression and one relates to an enzyme called monoamine oxidase A, or MAO-A. According to the scientific literature, this enzyme destroys neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine which are all necessary to regulate both mood and energy levels. MAO-A levels are reportedly too high in persons suffering from depression and this causes the other neurotransmitters to be low. Thus, people with depression may feel abnormally tired as a result.

There is other research which shows an association between depression and fatigue. In a study published in a 2004 issue of Psychosomatic Medicine researchers found that depression sufferers were more than four times as likely to develop unexplained fatigue. And they also found that the reverse is also true that those who suffer from fatigue are nearly three times as likely to become depressed. So it is clear that one of the risk factors for having depression is that you may also suffer from fatigue.

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