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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Borderline personality disorder medicines

Borderline personality disorder medicines

You shouldn't wait until you are in the
middle of an episode to take them.

They are also meant to be a preventative

This means that it may be able to keep
relapses from happening in the first place.

So they should be taken even when you
are stable.

I know that many people don't like the
idea of having to take a medication for
the rest of their lives.

But it's better than the idea of having to
deal with all the pieces of a borderline
episode for the rest of your life.

It's better than dealing with the instability
that comes with untreated borderline
personality disorder.

And it's better than losing everything you
have and want because your borderline
episode allowed you to burn bridges.

Just think of it this way:

Someone who has insulin-dependant
diabetes will have to take insulin for the
rest of their lives in order to stay healthy.

Someone who has high blood pressure
may have to take blood pressure medicine
for the rest of their lives.

Someone who has chronic seizures may
have to take anti-seizure medication for
the rest of their lives.

It's the same sort of thing.

Borderline personality disorder is a
medical problem that happens to
affect the mind more than the body.

And, since it is a medical problem, it
needs to be treated in a medical way.

There are no surgeries that can be
performed to cure borderline personality

There isn't a cream you can rub on your
forehead that will take it all away.

There isn't even a miracle-cure pill that
you can take one time and it will cure you.

But there is such a thing as preventative

Unfortunately, at this point in time we
cannot cure borderline personality

But we can prevent it from taking over
a person's life.

Isn't that great news?

But it can only be great news if you take
your medicine that was prescribed to
you and follow the rest of your treatment

Now, if your medicine is wrong or if you
are having problems with it, then you
need to talk to your psychiatrist.

If there is a serious problem then they
can usually see you on an emergency
basis, especially if it is during business

Find out ahead of time what your
psychiatrist's policy is on emergency

It is always better to know ahead of time
so you can be prepared.

Also, keep in mind that some minor
side effects are normal and usually go
away within a short time after starting
the medication.

If you have any major side effects, then
you should talk to your psychiatrist

They will know whether your medications
need to be changed or altered.

Also, if your medications need to be
changed, then they will know whether
you need to be weaned off of your current
medication gradually, or if you can stop
it all at once.

Make sure you follow all of their
instructions when it comes to this.

When you and your psychiatrist have
worked together and found the mediation
that is right for you, then it is important
that you take it exactly as prescribed,
without missing a dose.

Also, know ahead of time what to do if
you should miss a dose.

Usually you either need to wait until the
next dose is due or take it in between

Your pharmacist or psychiatrist will be
able to help you determine that.

It should also be on the pamphlet that
came with your medications.

Taking the right medications regularly
as prescribed can help prevent relapses
and keep you stable.

It is well worth the effort it takes to take
them, even if it is for the rest of your

Stability makes it worth it.

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